EHRA Foundations

Are you a teacher and want to teach about environmental health or justice in your classroom?

What does a healthy environment look like? How do we shape our environments? How do our environments support or harm our health? And, how does climate change affect these interactions? 

Although many science teachers teach about climate change in the U.S., only two states require their public schools to teach about it (Connecticut and New Jersey). As the urgency of the climate crisis grows, we must build capacity among K-12 teachers to teach about environmental health and justice issues across disciplines and grades.  

We regularly update this curriculum based on feedback from real teachers! Please let us know what worked or what you would change in this brief feedback form here. 

The EHRA Academy is supported by Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (NIEHS RO1ES022616, RO1ES032389) & the Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (NIEHS P30ES017885)