EHRA Academy

What to expect at the EHRA Academy:

Air Pollution & Health

What’s in the air we breathe? Let’s test it ourselves and learn from those working to improve air quality in Metro Detroit. 

Water & Health

We live in the Great Lakes state! How can we keep our watersheds clean and drinking water accessible for all? 

Energy & Health

Climate change is happening in our communities. We will learn from local experts about transitioning from fossil fuels to a healthy and just energy system. 

Community -Led Science

We know the environmental issues our own communities face. How can we carry out studies that address our research questions and lead to solutions? 

Data for Public Good

Data, data everywhere! How can we use environmental, health, and demographic data to understand issues we care about? How can we share it and advocate with it effectively? 

Mapping the Issues

What do you love about your community? What would you change? Let’s use maps as a tool for analyzing and sharing environmental issues you care about. 

Communicating Clearly

Can people find information about the environment in their community? Can they understand it? Can they act on it? We will discuss strategies for communicating clearly about complex science and policy topics.  

Policy Advocacy & Storytelling

How do we build power? How do we create the changes we want to see in our communities? Let’s practice different policy advocacy strategies and tactics.  

Who owns the narrative about the issues you care about? Practice telling your own story. Share your ‘why’ – the reasons you fight for environmental health and justice. 

The EHRA Academy is supported by Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (NIEHS RO1ES022616, RO1ES032389) & the Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (NIEHS P30ES017885)